CASPAF : The Chinese American Scholars & Professionals Association of Florida
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CASPAF :  北美華人科技及文化研討會
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Chinese American Technology and Culture Conference :
from Innovation to Entrepreneurship in Bio-Tech and Medicine

Orlando, FL  September 09, 2009

佛羅里達州中華學人協會(CASPAF)歷年來關心台美科技、醫療、人文、和藝術 , 每年例行性針對我們共同關心的議題舉辦學術研討會 , 提供美國新進科技資訊給予中華民國政府學者參考。 同時也安排華人學者、業者和政府主管與美方相關單位進行實質交流 , 以祈對台灣科技、產業 , 和外交盡一份心力。

近年來科技和醫療的進步和革新 , 讓醫學界對於生理保健方面有更清楚的了解。新興的生物科技和奈米醫學產業不僅將對人類有相當長遠的影響 , 對醫療保健也將會有革命性的助益。由於產業和貿易的全球化 , 食品的安全和生活方式也成了每個人切身的議題 。

現代醫療保健及生技明顯地延長了人類生命。因此 , 進一步去了解醫療保健上突破性的發展才能讓我們擁有好的健康 , 來享受現代文明帶給我們多采多姿的生活方式 。

食品安全和生理保健在台灣和美國等先進國家相當受到重視。在這科技、醫療、及貿易上千變萬化的廿一世紀 , 台灣和美國如何在生技和食物科學及科技產業上研發創新 , 並在追求產業和經濟成長的同時 , 也能注意到個人的保健、生活的品質和方式、及飲食營養 。佛州中華學人協會希望能經由今年的「醫療保健、營養養生和生命」研討會 , 來交流及分享這方面的資訊和研究成果 , 以進一步地維護及增進健康 , 並提高生活品質 。


北美華人科技及文化研討會 : 生物科技與醫療保健之創新與企業
Chinese American Technology and Culture Conference :
from Innovation to Entrepreneurship in Bio-Tech and Medicine




佛羅里達州奧蘭多市迪士尼 Contemporary Resort 會場


美國佛羅里達州中華學人協會  CASPAF
Chinese American Scholars and Professionals Association of Florida






美國及佛州相關大型企業、美國各大學及研究機構 。


  1. 佛州奧蘭多地區為美國會展及觀光旅遊首選之地 。
  2. 佛州在醫療,生物科技等方面的發展日益蓬勃,頗具後來居上的趨勢。國際知名尖端科技研究機構,諸如: The Scripps Research Institute, Torrey Pines Institute, Burnham Institute 及 SRI International等,均已在奧蘭多以及鄰近城市設立美國東岸研究中心 。
  3. 奧蘭多為美國新興國際城市。新創設的科學及科技園區 (Lake Nona Science & Technology Park) 已成型。近期內完成的設施將包括University of Central Florida College of Medicine and Health Sciences Campus, University of Florida Research/Conference Center, Burnham Institute for Medical Research-East Coast Campus, Orlando VA Medical Center 及 Nemours Children's Hospital and Research Campus等等 。
  4. 佛州中華學人協會會長徐祖慈以及其他成員與美國主流社會產、官、及學界人士具有廿餘年深厚且良好關係。希望藉由舉辦定期會議的機會 , 增加與美國主流社會交流 , 並逐年實現馬英九總統所宣示兩岸應在國際組織 , 國際活動中相互協助 , 彼此尊重,並在經濟文化層面全面互動之指示 。




  1. 提供旅美及在台之產、官、及學界人士與美國主流社會定期交流的契機
  2. 提升美國主流社會對台灣及旅美華人的認知 。
  3. 提供兩岸與北美華人的人才交流及研究項目合作的機會 。
CASPAF :  北美華人科技及文化研討會


九月九日 星期三  註冊及歡迎會
下午 12:00–6:00 註冊及會場展覽佈置  
下午 7:00–9:00 Welcome Dessert Reception
and Exhibitor Showcase

Richard Crotty*, Orange County Mayor (橘郡市長)
九月十日 星期四  醫療保健與科技產業近期發展重點
全日 7:30–4:30 註冊
上午 7:45–8:45 早餐
上午 8:45–9:00 歡迎 Charlie Crist, Governor (佛羅里達州州長)
上午 9:00–10:00 主旨演講 (一)
From Discovery to Recovery
David Ho* (何大一), MD, PhD–ADARC
上午 10:00–10:15 休息  
上午 10:15–11:45 第一場專題研討
Translation of Research Discovery
1. David Ho* (何大一), MD, PhD–ADARC
2. Andrew Wang
* (王惠鈞) 中央研究院副院長
3. Dan P. Kelly
*, MD, Burnham Institute
中午 12:00–12:45 致歡迎辭 午餐 Ray Gilley, Metro Orlando EDC
中午 12:45–1:30 午餐專題研討
Medical City and Bio-Orlando
1. Thaddeus Seymour*, Jr., PhD, Lake Nona Medical City
2. Debra German
*, MD, UCF Medical School
3. Debbie Chang
*, Nemours Children's Hospital
下午 1:45–3:30 第二專題
What’s New in the World of Medicine
1. W.J.Soo* (蘇懷仁), MD, PhD,
    Shire Pharmaceuticals

2. Ling-Ling Yang* (楊玲玲), PhD.,
    Taipei Medical University

3. Yu-Sheng Chao*, PhD, NHRI
下午 3:30–3:45 休息
下午 3:45–5:00
Innovations in Medical Science
1. Christopher Tang (唐代駒), PhD, Vaxin, Inc.
2. Hing Wong*, PhD, Altor BioScience Corporation
下午 5:00–7:00 展覽會場活動
九月十一日 星期五  保健與營養食物專題
全日 7:30–4:30 註冊  
上午 7:45–8:45 早餐  
上午 9:00–10:00 主旨專題 (二)
Trend in Modern Healthcare
Sy Saliba, Senior Vice President/Chief Marketing Officer, Florida Hospital
上午 10:00–10:15 休息  
上午 10:15–11:45 第四專題研討
Healthy Living
1. Jay Albright**, MD, Orlando Health
. Pei-Jer Chen* (陳培哲), MD, PhD,
    Academia Sinica (中央研究院 & 台大)
3. Puxiao Cen
*(岑瀑嘯), M.D.,
    FACC, Florida Heart Group
Sy Saliba*, Sr. Vice President/Chief Marketing
    Officer, Florida Hospital
中午 12:00–12:45 致歡迎辭及午餐 Randy Berridge*, Florida High Tech Corridor
中午 12:45–1:30 午餐研討
From Academia to Industry
1. Randy Berridge, Council President,
    Florida High Tech Corridor
2. David Day
*, University of Florida
3. Karen Holbrook
*, PhD,
    University of South Florida
4. M. J. Soileau
*, PhD,
    University of Central Florida
下午 1:45–3:15 第五專題研討
Nutrition and Healthy Eating
1. Peggy Hsieh* (季蘊華), PhD,
    Florida State University
2. Yao-Wen Huang
* (黃耀文), PhD,
    University of  Georgia Center for Food Safety
3. Ken S. Marsh
*, PhD, CPP, Woodstock
    Institute for Science in Service to Humanity
下午 3:15–3:30 休息  
下午 3:30–5:00 第六專題研討
World of Technology
1. Steve Chiang* (江史蒂夫), E. A. SPORTS
2. Bruce Chai
*, PhD, Crystal Photonics
下午 5:00–7:00 展覽會場活動  
晚上 7:00––10:00 Awards Gala and
Celebration Dinner

M.C. / VIP Guests

九月十二日 星期六  商業全球化
上午 8:00–9:00 註冊/早餐 狄斯奈樂園提供註冊成員的一日遊
上午 9:00–10:00 CASPAF Business Meeting and Strategic Planning Session
C. T. Hsu* (徐祖慈), Tanner Liu* (劉英),
Long Chang
* (張隆基)
上午  10:00 散會  
上午  10:00 - Optional Tours and Activities  
  * confirmed(確定) updated as of 08/08/2009

subject to change  ▪  visit for updates and registration

CASPAF : The Chinese American Scholars & Professionals Association of Florida
CASPAF 090909 Feature Speakers and Presenters
C. T. Hsu (徐祖慈)   Curriculum Vitae
Conference Host, President  CASPAF

Richard Crotty (橘郡市長)   Curriculum Vitae
Orange County Mayor

Charlie Crist  (佛羅里達州州長)   Curriculum Vitae


David D. Ho, M.D. 何大一   Curriculum Vitae

David D. Ho, M.D., born in Taiwan on November 3rd, 1952, is currently the founding Scientific Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center. He is also the Irene Diamond Professor at The Rockefeller University. He received his degrees from the California Institut Harvard Medical School. Dr. Ho has been at the forefront of AIDS research for 28 years, publishing over 350 papers. His elegant studies unveiled the dynamic nature of HIV replication in vivo and revolutionized our basic understanding of AIDS pathogenesis. This knowledge led Dr. Ho to champion combination antiretroviral therapy that has resulted in unprecedented decline in AIDS mortality in developed countries. He now devotes his time and energy to developing an HIV vaccine and to fighting the AIDS epidemic in China. For his contributions to science and humanity, Dr. Ho has received ten honorary doctorates (including ones from Tsinghua and Columbia) and has been elected a member of the Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences in the United States as well as a member of Academia Sinica and the Chinese Academy of Engineering. He was also named Time Magazine's Man of the Year in 1996, and was awarded a Presidential Medal in 2001 by Bill Clinton.

Andrew Wang, Ph.D. (王惠鈞)     Curriculum Vitae


Daniel P. Kelly, M.D.   Curriculum Vitae

Chief, Cardiovascular Division, Department of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine; Tobias and Hortense Lewin Professor at Washington University; Adjunct Professor of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine; Scientific Director and Professor, Burnham Institute for Medical Research (BIMR) at Lake Nona; Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Sciences, University of Central Florida College of Medicine; Adjunct Professor of Medicine (Cardiology), University of Florida

1978 B.S. (Biology) University of Illinois; 1982 M.D. University of Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois; 1983 Internship in Medicine, Barnes Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri; 1985 Assistant Resident in Medicine, Barnes Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri; 1987 Research Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Biological Chemistry, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri; 1989 Clinical Cardiology Fellow, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri
David L. Day joined the Office of Technology Licensing at the University of Florida as Director on April 2, 2001, where he oversees the commercialization efforts of all UF technologies. Mr. Day also serves as Director of the Sid Martin Biotechnology Development Incubator in Alachua, FL, since 2003. Mr. Day serves on the Board of Directors of BioFlorida, the McKnight Brain Institute Advisory Panel, the Board of Directors Executive Committee of the Florida Research Consortium, and the Board of Directors Executive Committee of the Southeastern Bio Investors Forum. David received a Master of Business Administration from the University of Alabama in 1987 and has a Masters of Library and Information Studies from the University of Alabama, 1977. David was a founding member of the Biotechnology Association of Alabama, where he held the position of Vice President and member of the Board of Directors.

The University of Florida is the top - performing public institution at transferring its research to the marketplace, according to a study by the Milken Institute. In a report by the California - based economic think tank titled "Mind to Market: A Global Analysis of University Biotechnology Transfer and Commercialization," UF ranked fifth overall on the Institute's University Technology Transfer and Commercialization Index. UF's Office of Technology Licensing annually executes about 75 licenses and options and is involved in the creation of about 10 new startups based on UF technologies. In the latest fiscal year, UF spinoffs raised more than $100 million of investment capital.

Thaddeus Seymour, Jr., PhD     Curriculum Vitae

As a veteran healthcare executive and entrepreneur, Thad Seymour has extensive experience in the healthcare and software industries. As Vice President and General Manager of Health and Life Science Investments, Thad manages strategic planning and business development projects related to Lake Nona's growing Science & Technology Park.
Integral to the Lake Nona master development, the 600 - acre Science & Technology Park will be the epicenter of its healthcare and life sciences investments and developments. Burnham Institute for Medical Research and the University of Central Florida College of Medicine and Health Sciences Campus are both under construction and scheduled to open facilities in 2009. The Science & Technology Park will also be home to a new Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Nemours Children's Hospital and pediatric campus, and M.D. Anderson Orlando Cancer Research Center.

Masters of Business Administration, J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University
Ph.D. in American History, University of Wisconsin
Bachelor of Arts, Dartmouth College

Debra German, MD   Curriculum Vitae
Dean, College of Medicine
University of Central Florida

Deborah German earned her M.D. degree from Harvard Medical School. She was a Resident in Medicine at the University of Rochester in New York and a Fellow in Rheumatic and Genetic Diseases at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. She became a faculty member at Duke, involved in research, patient care, and education. As an Associate Investigator at the. Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Duke, she studied adenosine metabolism. She became Director of the Duke Gout Clinics in 1984 and Associate Dean of Medical Education at Duke in 1987. She also maintained her own private practice of Internal Medicine and Rheumatology.
In 1988, Dr. German joined Vanderbilt University as Associate Dean for Students and later Senior Associate Dean of Medical Education. She was also the National Chair for the Association of American Medical Colleges Group on Student Affairs.
After 13 years at Vanderbilt, Dr. German next served as President and Chief Executive Officer at Saint Thomas Hospital in Nashville. She was also Senior Vice President and Chief Academic Officer for Saint Thomas Health Services. While there, Dr. German led a successful hospital turn - around and initiated service excellence and quality programs at the hospital that received national recognition. Throughout this time she continued to practice medicine.
In 2005, Dr. German spent a year at the Association of American Medical Colleges in Washington, D.C. as a Petersdorf Scholar in Residence. She studied the leadership of academic health centers framed in the concepts of chaos theory and complex adaptive system science.
Dr. German was appointed as the Founding Dean of the College of Medicine at the University of Central Florida in December 2006. She leads the development of a full - scale medical school and academic medical center that is part of an evolving research - based medical city within a highly engaged central Florida community. In less than two years she has hired over 200 employees and appointed over 800 volunteer
faculty, gained preliminary accreditation, raised enough money to provide full four - year scholarships for the entire Charter Class, and is overseeing construction of 400,000 square feet of medical school space.
Dr. German served on the Board of Trustees for the Tennessee Medical Association. She chaired the Tennessee Board of Directors for the Arthritis Foundation. Many communities have recognized Dr. German for her contributions. The city of Nashville honored her as the recipient of the Athena Award and inducted her into the YWCA Academy for Women of Achievement. She is the recipient of the AAMC Women in Medicine Leadership Development Award. Dr. German was named a Local Legend of Medicine in the National Library of Medicine. She is the Orlando Business Journal and Orlando Regional Healthcare 2008 recipient of both the Business Executive of the Year and the Businesswoman of the Year. Most recently,
Dr. German received the Orlando Sentinel's Editorial Board Central Floridian of the Year, 2008. Dr. German is the mother of two daughters. She enjoys walking, running, gardening, and cooking.

Debbie I. Chang (張宜如), M.P.H.   Curriculum Vitae

Ms. Chang is Vice President of Policy and Prevention for Nemours, an operating foundation focused on children's health. In this position, she is focusing on developing and achieving Nemours' policy and advocacy goals; identifying, evaluating, replicating and promoting model practices and policies in strategic areas such as innovation in child health promotion, prevention, and Nemours' integrated system of care; and developing and advancing Nemours' visionary child health prevention strategy across the Enterprise. Ms. Chang is also leading a collaborative learning effort with eight communities across the country to harness and promote innovative policies and practices to improve the health and well-being of children in cross-sectoral (integrating health and other sectors serving children), place-based approaches. During the last five years at Nemours, she created and led Nemours Health & Prevention Services, an operating division devoted to improving children's health over time through a cross-sectoral, community-based model in Delaware that includes developing, implementing, evaluating, and promoting model prevention interventions.

Ms. Chang has over 22 years of federal and state government and private sector experience in the health field. She has worked on a range of key health programs and issues including Medicaid, State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), Medicare, Maternal and Child Health, national health care reform and financing coverage for the uninsured. She has held the following federal and state positions: Deputy Secretary of Health Care Financing at the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, with oversight for the State of Maryland's Medicaid program and the Maryland Children's Health Program; Director of the Office of Legislation for the Health Care Financing Administration (now Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services); and Director of SCHIP when it was first implemented in 1997. Ms. Chang also served as the Senior Health Policy Advisor to former U.S. Senator Donald W. Riegle, Jr., former chair of the Senate Finance Subcommittee on Health for Families and the Uninsured.

She currently serves as the co-Principal Investigator on a Robert Wood Johnson evaluation grant, "Evaluation of School and Child Care Sector Childhood Obesity Prevention Strategies in Delaware." She is an active member on a number of boards including Grantmakers in Health, Healthy Eating Active Living Convergence Partnership, National Institute for Children's Healthcare Quality (NICHQ) Policy Advisory, and Obesity National Advisory Committees, and the University of California at Los Angeles Alliance for Information on Maternal and Child Health Support Center National Advisory Panel.

Ms. Chang is a senior associate in the Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health at the Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University. She has published work on integrating population health and medical care, SCHIP, and Maryland's Managed Care Program. She holds a master's degree in Public Health Policy and Administration from the University of Michigan and a bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

W. J. Soo (蘇懷仁), MD   Curriculum Vitae
PhD, Shire Pharmaceuticals

Whaijen Soo MD, PhD, is Senior Vice President of Research and Development at Shire Human Genetic Therapies (HGT), a business unit of Shire plc.  Dr. Soo is responsible for overseeing preclinical research and development, clinical research, regulatory affairs, process development, and medical affairs at the company. He manages the organizations growing portfolio and plays a key role in assessing business development opportunities.

Dr. Soo has over 22 years of clinical research experience spanning oncology, virology, organ transplant, CNS, and inflammatory diseases. He joined Shire from Biogen Idec where he held the position of Senior Vice President, Medical Research. While at Biogen Idec, Dr. Soo led the worldwide clinical development of all drugs in the portfolio, including, for a period of time, international medical affairs phase IV programs for drugs in the market. Prior to Biogen Idec, Dr. Soo spent 18 years at Roche, where he last served as Vice President in Clinical Sciences and Integrated Medicine.

Dr. Soo completed his undergraduate studies in Chemistry at National Taiwan University, his PhD in Biochemistry at the University of California, Berkeley, and his MD at the University of California, San Francisco, with post graduate training at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.

Prof. Ling Ling Yang, PhD (楊玲玲)   Curriculum Vitae

Professor: Department of Pharmacognosy, School of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, and College of Medicine, Taipei Medical University (1985 -  -  - present)
Director Professor: Graduate Institute of Pharmacognosy, Taipei Medical College (New Institute since 1992)( 1992 - 2000)
Director Professor: Biotechnology School of Pharmacognosy, Taipei Medical University(1998 - 2000) (New School since 1998)
Professor: Department of Chemistry, College of Science ,Dan - Chian University (2004 -  -  - present)
Professor: National Chiayi University(2000 - 2004) ( established a new National University at Chiayi City by Ministry of Education since 2000)
Dean of the Life Science College: National Chiayi University (2000 - 2004)
Director Professor: Graduate Institute of Biotechnology Science and
Department of Bio - molecular and Biochemistry, College of Life Science, National Chiayi University (New Institute and Department since 2000) (2000 - 2002)
Director professor: Department of Applied Microbiology, College of Life Science, National Chiayi University. (New department since 2002) (2002 - 2003)
Director Professor : Graduate Institute of Bio - Pharmaceutical Science, College of Life Science, National Chiayi University(new institute since 2003) (2003 - 2004)
Visiting Professor: National Tohoku University, Japan (1984)
Visiting Professor : Nagoya City University (1989)
Associat Professor : School of Pharmacy, Taipei Medical College (1979 - 1985)
Instructor : School of Pharmacy, Taipei Medical College (1974 - 1979)
Assistant: School of Pharmacy, Taipei Medical College (1969 - 1974)
Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health, R.O.C. (1995 - preasent)
Committee of Chinese Medicine Evaluator, Department of Health.R.O.C.(1985 - 1995)
Committee on Medical Science Education, Ministry of Education, R.O.C. (2004 - present)
Director of Scientific Board, Taiwan Sugar Corporation Department of Economic R.O.C.(2004 - 2006)
Direct Board of Zan Hsin Education and Culture Foundation, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2004 -present)
Endowed Professor,Topnotch Stroke Research Center, and Doctor Chi - Chin Huang Stroke Research Center, Taipei Medical University, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan (August,2004 - Present) (Taipei City)
Consultants of Tainan County, Chiayi county and Chiayi City, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2000 - 2004)

Yu - Sheng Chao (), PhD, NHRI  (趙宇生)   Curriculum Vitae


De-Chu Christopher Tang, PhD   (唐代駒)   Curriculum Vitae
Vice President of Research, Chief Technical Officer and Scientific Founder, Vaxin, Inc.


Hing C. Wong (王慶), PhD   Curriculum Vitae
Founder, President & Chief Executive Officer
Altor BioScience Corporation

Dr. Wong has served as the President & CEO of Altor since its inception in 2002. Prior to joining Altor, Dr. Wong founded Sunol Molecular Corporation in March 1996, becoming its President and Chief Executive Officer. He engineered the acquisition of the plant technology-based company, Xios, in April 2002 and the spin-off of Altor BioScience Corporation in August 2002. In 2004 and 2005, Dr. Wong led the successful sales of Sunol's tissue factor antagonist program and the anti-shigatoxin program to Tanox Inc. and Caprion Inc., respectively. After the sale of Sunol, he resigned from the executive office of Sunol to fully focus on development and advancement of Altor BioScience. During his tenures with Sunol and Altor, he raised over $55 million in capital via equity and debt placements, set up many major pharmaceutical/biopharmaceutical partnerships/collaborations, and managed multiple clinical trials. He is the principal investigator of multiple NIH grants and an inventor of numerous issued US and worldwide patents, and he continues to publish scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals. He was a member of the Board of Directors of Sunol and Biosynexus, Inc. and was on the Board of Trustees for the Rumbaugh-Goodwin Institute for Cancer Research. Dr. Wong spearheaded the merger of the Rumbaugh-Goodwin Institute for Cancer Research and Nova Southeast University. Dr. Wong was the Director of the Department of Microbial Genetics at Cetus/Chiron Corporation from 1989-1992 and the Director of the Biology Skill Center of Baxter International from 1992-1996. During his tenure with Cetus/Chiron and Baxter, he made major contributions to the development of the approved drugs Proleukin and Betaseron and led the product development team and commercialization of Innovin, Troponin I, Glucose Isomerase and Cellulon. He received his Ph.D. degree in Microbiology and Immunology at the University Massachusetts, Amherst and conducted postdoctoral studies at the University of Washington in Seattle.

Sy Salibar,   Curriculum Vitae
Senior Vice President/Chief Marketing Officer, Florida Hospital

Des Cummings, Jr.   Curriculum Vitae
Executive Vice President

Des Cummings Jr. is Executive Vice President of Business Development for Florida Hospital and the Florida Division of the Adventist Health System. In this role, Des gives leadership to the mission, planning, marketing, new business development and foundations for the seventeen Adventist Health System hospitals in Central Florida. Dr. Cummings holds a Ph.D. degree from Andrews University in leadership and management with emphasis in statistical forecasting. Dr. Cummings also holds a masters of divinity degree and is an ordained minister of the Seventh - day Adventist Church.

Des is committed to advancing the healing ministry of Christ in the 21st Century through health and healing strategies that treat the mind, body and spirit. Motivated by this vision, Dr. Cummings gave leadership to the development of Celebration Health, a showcase hospital in the Disney City of Celebration, Florida. This facility has attracted national and international attention as a model of health and healing for the 21st Century. As a result, Des has been invited to address thousands of health professionals in numerous conferences to present this vision of health.

Dr. Cummings has pioneered the implementation of Integrated Medical Systems as Florida's first medical communications system, linking providers through a secure intranet. He has given special focus to the adoption of leading edge medical technologies such as PAC's system which links all seven campuses of Florida Hospital with a rapid transfer of imaging information allowing physicians to do virtual consults that speed the treatment and medical decision making process.

Jay Albright, MD   Curriculum Vitae
Director, Sports Medicine Program
Division of Pediatric Orthopaedics
Arnold Palmer Hospital Specialty Practices
Orlando, Florida

Fellowship - Orthopaedic Surgery Cincinnati Sports Medicine
Fellowship - Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery UCSD/Children's Hospital
Orthopaedic Surgery Residency University of Iowa
M.D. University of Iowa
B.S. Biology University of Michigan

"Juvenile ACL Injuries", Co-Author: Frank Noyes, MD
"Surgical Technique: Proximal Realignment in Skeletally Immature Patients", Editor: John, Orthopedics.

Puxiao Cen (岑瀑嘯), MD, FACC  Curriculum Vitae
Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Disease,
Nuclear Cardiology and Echocardiography

Dr. Cen was born in Guangzhou, China and is the eighth generation in her family to practice medicine. She graduated from Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences located in Guangzhou, China. She continued her education in the United States and completed her residency and internship at the Lenox Hill Hospital at the Upper East Side of Manhattan, New York, and Cardiovascular Fellowship at Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

In 2001, following her postgraduate trainings, Dr. Cen moved to Florida and joined Florida Heart Group. Her clinical interests include Cardiovascular Disease prevention and treatment and the management of Congestive Heart Failure. She is active in many local and national medical associations; and in 2003, she was elected Fellow of the American College of Cardiology.

Dr. Cen has dedicated herself to her patients and the community through education as well as direct patient care. She shares her knowledge and experience through educational lectures at local hospitals, talk radio shows, television interviews, and other community events. In 2007, she recorded an English-Chinese bilingual DVD Heart Health to distribute to her patients and the community.

In her free time, Dr. Cen enjoys reading, oil painting, and Chinese calligraphy.

Pei - Jer Chen, MD., Ph.D. 陳培哲   Curriculum Vitae

Professor of Medicine, Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, Medical College, National Taiwan University (台大醫學院教授); Professor of Medicine, Graduate Institute of Microbiology, Medical College, National Taiwan University; Chairman Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, Medical College, National Taiwan University; Director Department of Medical Research
National Taiwan University Hospital

Director, Hepatitis Research Center, National Taiwan University Hospital (台大醫院) ; Chairman, Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University (台大醫學院); Director, Department of Medical Research, National Taiwan University Hospital. 2003; Professor, Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University 2003; ssociate Professor, Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University 1993;

1991 - 1992 Fellow, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital; 1987 - 1990 Resident, Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital

1981 M.D., 台大醫學院 Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University
1987 Ph.D., Department of Pathology, Medical School, University of Pennsylvania

Randolph E. Berridge   Curriculum Vitae
Florida High Tech Corridor Council President

Randy Berridge has held the position of president of the Florida High Tech Corridor Council since its formation in 1996. He also currently serves as president of the Berridge Consulting Group Inc., and as an advisory board member of SunTrust Bank, N.A.
Previously, Berridge held several positions with AT&T Corporation including chair of the Central Florida AT&T Management Council; district manager of public relations for the Florida Division; manager of legal divestiture planning; and coordinating supervisor of budgets, forecasts, planning, human resources and telephone manufacturing.
Berridge earned a bachelor's degree in liberal arts and business from the University of Evansville in Indiana and he has completed graduate courses in marketing and finance at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana. He recently was reappointed to the board of directors for Workforce Florida and also serves on the board of directors of the University of Central Florida Foundation, the Florida Chamber of Commerce, the Tampa Bay Partnership, the Tampa Bay Technology Forum, the University of Central Florida Technology Incubator Network, the University of South Florida Technology Incubator, Kids House of Seminole County, the Foundation for Florida's Community Colleges,, and the regional board of the American Red Cross.
For his work in regional economic development through the Florida High Tech Corridor Council, Berridge was selected in November 2007, and again in November 2008, as one of TechJournal South's "25 Most Influential People in Southeast Tech."

David Day   Curriculum Vitae
Technology and License,
University of Florida

David L. Day joined the Office of Technology Licensing at the University of Florida as Director on April 2, 2001, where he oversees the commercialization efforts of all UF technologies. Mr. Day also serves as Director of the Sid Martin Biotechnology Development Incubator in Alachua, FL, since 2003. Mr. Day serves on the Board of Directors of BioFlorida, the McKnight Brain Institute Advisory Panel, the Board of Directors Executive Committee of the Florida Research Consortium, and the Board of Directors Executive Committee of the Southeastern Bio Investors Forum. David received a Master of Business Administration from the University of Alabama in 1987 and has a Masters of Library and Information Studies from the University of Alabama, 1977. David was a founding member of the Biotechnology Association of Alabama, where he held the position of Vice President and member of the Board of Directors.

The University of Florida is the top - performing public institution at transferring its research to the marketplace, according to a study by the Milken Institute. In a report by the California - based economic think tank titled "Mind to Market: A Global Analysis of University Biotechnology Transfer and Commercialization," UF ranked fifth overall on the Institute's University Technology Transfer and Commercialization Index. UF's Office of Technology Licensing annually executes about 75 licenses and options and is involved in the creation of about 10 new startups based on UF technologies. In the latest fiscal year, UF spinoffs raised more than $100 million of investment capital.

M. J. Soileau   Curriculum Vitae

University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
Vice President for Research & Commercialization and Distinguished Prof. of Optics, ECE, and Physics;
Director, School of Optics/CREOL, University of Central Florida during January 1987 to June 1999

Heads the UCF Office of Research & Commercialization which includes: Office of Sponsored Programs, which in turn is responsible for providing contract and grant services for the university faculty and staff. Oversight and management of interdisciplinary centers, including CREOL, the Center for Research and Education in Optics and Lasers, the Institute of Simulation and Training., the Nano Science and Technology Center, the Florida Solar Energy Center, the Advanced Materials Processing and Application Center, the Bio molecular Science Center, the Center for Lifestyle Medicine, the Women's Research Center, and the UCF Arboretum. The UCF Technology Incubator and the university technology transfer office. The UCF Research Foundation (the VP Research serves as president of this organization.) Represents the research agenda of the university in the senior administration and in partnerships with federal, state, and local agencies and the private business sector.

Education : Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering/Quantum Electronics from University of Southern California 1979; M.S. in Physics/Optics from University of Utah 1968; B.S. in Astronomy and Physics from Louisiana State University 1967

Karen A. Holbrook, Ph.D.   Curriculum Vitae

Vice President for Research and Innovation
University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida

Karen A. Holbrook, Ph.D., served as president of The Ohio State University for five years and is currently Vice President for Research and Innovation at the University of South Florida and a member of the Washington Advisory Group (WAG). Before becoming president of Ohio State in 2002, Dr. Holbrook was senior vice president for academic affairs and provost at the University of Georgia. Prior to that, Dr. Holbrook was vice president for research and dean of the Graduate School at the University of Florida, and associate dean for research and professor of biological structure and medicine at the University of Washington, School of Medicine. Dr. Holbrook has served on the boards of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Association of American Medical Colleges, the American Council of Education, the National Association of State Universities and Land - Grant Colleges, and the Association of American Universities, among others. She participates on numerous advisory panels and councils for the National Institutes of Health, including the NIH Blue Ribbon Panel for the National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratory, Boston, and is presently a member of the Advisory Committee to the Director of the NIH. She is currently on several boards, including the boards of the Institute for International Education (IIE), Research!America, Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA), Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU), ACT, and Techne, Inc. Dr. Holbrook has had a productive research career in the biomedical sciences and was a MERIT Award recipient from the NIH. She earned bachelor's and master's degrees in zoology at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, a doctorate in biological structure at the University of Washington, School of Medicine where she also served as a postdoctoral fellow in dermatology and a faculty member.

Peggy Hsieh, PhD (季蘊華)    Curriculum Vitae
Betty M. Watts Professor and Graduate Program Director
Department of Nutrition, Food and Exercise Sciences
College of Human Sciences, Florida State University

1. Title: Monoclonal antibodies specific to cooked meats. Y - H.P. Hsieh, inventor. U.S. Patent Number 6,692,930, issued February 17, 2004.
2. Title: Monoclonal antibodies specific to cooked meats. Y - H.P. Hsieh, inventor. U.S. Patent Number 6,423,506, issued July 23, 2002.
3. Title: Monoclonal antibodies specific to raw and cooked pork. Y - H. P. Hsieh, Inventor, U.S. Patent Number 6,288,215, issued Sept 11, 2001.
4. Title: Jellyfish collagen for prevention and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. U.S. Patent Number 6,894,029, issued May 17, 2005.
5. Title: Microbiometer and associated methods. Y - H.P. Hsieh and Y.P. Hsieh. U.S. Patent No. 7,141,430, issued on 11/28/2006.
6. Title: Methods for end point temperature testing. Y - H. P. Hsieh, inventor. U.S. patent No. 7,344,848, issued on 3/189/2008.
7. Title: Troponin I as a thermostable species marker for cooked meat speciation, and monoclonal antibodies developed against troponin I. Y - H.P. Hsieh and F - C. Chen. U.S. Patent No. 7,297,500, issued November 20, 2007.
8. Title: Methods of forming monolayers for immunosensors and application for the detection of microorganisms. Vodyanoy, V.J., Chin, B.A., Barbaree,J.M., Neely, W.C., Pathirana, S.T., Hsieh, Y - H.P., Zee, R. Hing - Chung, Wikle, US and International Patent Pending.
9. Title: Immunoglobulin peptides against heated bovine blood, Y - H. P. Hsieh, Inventor. Filed Jan, 2007. Patent - pending.
10. Title: Immunoglobulin peptides against Asian Pangsius catfish. 2008. Patent application filed on 9/20/2008
11. Paten Disclosure (FSU TTO File # 06 - 097)

Ph.D. Food Science Florida State University, Florida
M.S. Animal Science Purdue University, Indiana
B.S. Nutrition & Food Science Fu - Jen University, 輔仁大學食品營養系 Taiwan

Yao - wen Huang (黃耀文)   Curriculum Vitae

Member, Nanoscale Science & Engineering Center (NanoSEC), Univ. of Georgia; Faculty of UGA Infectious Diseases, University of Georgia, Athens, GA

B.S. (台灣基隆海洋大學) Department of Fishery Technology, Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan. 1968; M.S. Department of Food Science, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 1978; Ph.D. Department of Food Science, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 1983

Positions and Employment
1969 - 1973 Associate Instructor, Department of Fisheries Technology, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan
1971 - 1972 Visiting Scientist, Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
1973 - 1976 Instructor, Department of Fisheries Technology, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan
1976 - 1982 Research Assistant, Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Georgia, Brunswick, GA
1982 - 1987 Research Associate, Marine Extension Service, University of Georgia, Brunswick, GA
1987 - 1988 Assistant Scientist, Marine Extension Service, University of Georgia, Brunswick, GA
1088 - 1994 Assistant Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology, Athens, GA
1994 - 1999 Associate Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
1999 - Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
1999 - Member, Center for Food Safety, University of Georgia, Griffin, GA
1999 - Adjunct Professor, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
2008 - Faculty of UGA Infectious Diseases, University of Georgia, Athens, GA

Ken Marsh, PhD, CPP   Curriculum Vitae


Steven Chiang Steven Chiang (史蒂夫江)   Curriculum Vitae

Steven Chiang is the Senior Vice President and Group General Manager of EA SPORTS, the number one video game brand in the world. As the SVP and Group GM, Steven oversees Electronic Arts' (EA) sports development studios in Orlando, Florida and in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The two studios are comprised of 1600 employees and are responsible for the development of numerous top - selling and award winning video games including the Madden NFL, FIFA, NBA, Tiger Woods PGA Tour, NASCAR, NHL, NCAA Football and Basketball franchises. Steven oversees all product development in the EA SPORTS Label. According to Forbes, EA SPORTS is the number 5 top sports brand in the world. Steven Chiang was named as one of Sports Business Journal's "Forty under 40" in 2008.

The EA Tiburon studio (Orlando, FL) develops Madden NFL Football - the all - time bestselling video game franchise in North America, and the most critically acclaimed sports title in the video game industry. The Madden NFL Football franchise has sold over 60 million units thus far and has won numerous awards including Spike TV's "Best Team Sports Game" (2007) and Game Trailers' "Best Sports Game of the Year" (2007). The Madden NFL franchise received one of its highest honors in 2003 when it was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Tiburon also develops the top selling sports franchises NCAA Football, Tiger Woods PGA TOUR and NASCAR.

Bruce Chai (翟懷慈), PhD   Curriculum Vitae
Chairman of the Board, President and CEO, Crystal Photonics. Inc.
Ph.D.  Geology and Geophysics, Yale University 1975

Professor Chai found Crystal Photonics, Inc. in 1995. The Company is an OEM specialized in manufacture of optical single crystals for various sensors, detectors, lasers and electro-optical applications. The primary product at present time is the customized detector for PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scanners. Other products include the optical detectors for missile warning system for all U.S. military aircrafts and the detectors for oil well radioactive logging system. The Company now has 32 full time employees at its Sanford facility. He also set up a crystal fabrication and assembling plant in China with 70 full time employees.

Professor Chai is a Fellow of the Optical Society of America, a foreign member of the Russia Academy of Engineering and a honorary Professor of Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Over his career, Professor Chai has published more than 200 papers and has awarded over 35 U.S. patents.

Tanner Liu (劉英)   Curriculum Vitae
President - elected  CASPAF

Long Chang (張隆基)   Curriculum Vitae
Advisory Board,  CASPAF