Whom It May Concern:
As president of the Chinese American Scholars and
Professionals Association of Florida (CASPAF), I am writing this letter
to ask for your support and sponsorship for this year's conference and also
invite you and your colleagues to join us at Holiday's Inn, Lake Buena Vista,
This conference titled Pharmaceutical Development,
Technology and Preventive Health Care Strategies will help
to increase understand of current trends of pharmaceutical development,
newly available technology in hope to foment communication and build partnerships
for future research, education, medical & businesses in the area of, but
not limit to, pharmaceutical Technology and Engineering as well as Preventive
Health Care practices. In addition, several of the top doctors of Chinese
descent in Florida will offer their expertise and perspectives in a discussion
about healthy living. The table below is a brief summary of confirmed speakers.
Full conference agenda will be updated on
As a sponsor of the conference, your organization has the opportunity to
communicate its message to hundreds of academic scholars, college presidents,
deans, directors, faculty and entrepreneurs from a variety of professions,
who can benefit from the services or products your company offers. Don't
miss this extraordinary chance to position your company with this prestigious
community of national and international scholars and industry professionals.
The levels of sponsorship are outlined below.
Thank you again for your interest and we are looking forward to your sponsorship
and participation.

Jane H. Hsiao, PhD,

David Muh, PhD
穆椿榮博士 |
Keynote Speaker
Jane H. Hsiao,
PhD, MBA 許照惠博士
Vice Chairman and Chief Technical Officer, Opko Health, Inc.
Founder at Innotech Laboratory in 1981 and IVAX LLC in 1986
President of Ophthalmic Technologies, Inc Chairman of Non-Invasive Monitoring
Systems Inc., May 2007
Featured Speakers
Chi-Deu Chang, PhD 張紀德博士
Abbott Labs., Principal Research Scientist, Retired on Research and
Develop of New Prescription Drugs and Understanding Hepatitis. How to Develop
A New Drug? and Prevention & Treatment on Hepatitis.
Mike Li MS 李作斌先生
Independent CMC Consultant on Introduction to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices)
and GMP Role on Drug Development
Robert Hsu, PhD 徐紹熾博士
Director, Sepracor Inc. retired on Non-clinical Drug Development
William Chen, PhD 陳偉博士
Professor Emeritus in the Department
of Health Education and Behavior at the University of Florida on Use or
Misuse of Sleeping Pills and Sleep Aids.
Puxiao Cen,
MD, FACC, 岑瀑嘯醫師
Invasive Cardiologist of Florida Hospital and Florida Heart Group;
on Protecting your heart, the low tech way
Stephanie Muh, MD 穆容平醫師
Hand and Upper Extremity, Department of Orthopaedics Henry Ford Health Systems
Detroit, MI on Bone Health and Joint Pain.
Levels of Sponsorship
- $25,000.00
- One full-page back
cover advertisement in the conference program
- Ten
complimentary conference registrations
- Two exhibit space
in conference area
- Recognition as
the Signature Conference Sponsor
- Insertion of one
brochure/promotional item in conference attendees' packets
- Recognition on
the conference website with a live link to your company's website
- Recognition on
conference signage
- $15,000.00
- One full-page advertisement
in the conference program
- Six complimentary
conference registrations
- One exhibit space
in conference area
- Recognition on
the conference website with a live link to your company's website
- Recognition on
the conference signage
- $10,000.00
- One half-page advertisement
in the conference program
- Four complimentary
conference registration
- One exhibit space
in conference area
- Recognition on
the conference website with a live link to your company's website
- Recognition on
the conference program and signage
- $5,000.00
- One quarter-page
advertisement in the conference program
- Two
complimentary conference registration
- Recognition on
the conference website with a live link to your company's website
- Recognition on
the conference program and signage
- $2,500.00
- One complimentary
conference registration
- Recognition on
the conference website with a live link to your company's website
- Recognition on
the conference program and signage
Sponsorship Opportunities
- Welcome Reception-$1,500.00
- Luncheon-$2,500.00
- Conference Packets-$1,000.00
- Coffee breaks (two
- Conference Programs-$500.00
- Full Page Advertisement-$500.00
- Half Page Advertisement-$300.00
- Quarter Page Advertisement-$150.00
- One Brochure/Promotional
Item in Attendee Packet-$500.00
- Exhibit Space:
President: David Muh, PhD 穆椿榮博士
Deadline to return this agreement
is Monday, August 15, 2015
Name of Company
Contact Name
Address |
Zip Code
Phone number
Fax Number
Email address
Please check the Sponsorship Level that you are selecting:
Sponsorship Level |
Event Sponsorship
Promotional Features
Welcome Reception |
Full Page Advertisement |
Platinum Sponsor
Half Page Advertisement
Gold Sponsor
Packets |
Quarter Page Advertisement
Silver Sponsor
Coffee breaks
Item in Attendee Packet |
Bronze Sponsor
Conference Programs
Exhibit Space
We are unable to attend the conference but wish
to make a donation of $ ______________________
Complete above form
and mail it with your check or money order to:
CASPAF Treasurer
P. Lee
4975 Dixie Highway NE., Unit 701,
Palm Bay, FL 32905