Membership Online Application
STEP 1  Membership Due
Membership Type
After completion of online payment, you will receive a confirmation email, enter the Transaction ID HELP ;
Or, if pay by personal check, enter Check No.
Payment Reference ID :
STEP 2  Personal Data  會員資料
 First name
 Last name
 中文姓名 HELP
Male Female
 ▼First name
 Last name
 ▼中文姓名 HELP
▼Home Address : No. Street




Personal Email Address
▼Home Phone No.
STEP 3  Education  教育背景
▼Degree/Diploma ▼School / Institute ▼Major / Expertise ▼Year
STEP 4  Expertise  專長領域 & 現職
Expertise ►
Job Title ►
Employer ►
Address ►
Email ►
Phone# ►
STEP 5  Preferences (optional)
▼Reference 介紹人:
 Preferred Contact Method:  聯繫方式home work  (as shown above)  or use specific method(s) provided below :
▼Phone #
▼Cell #

STEP 6  Submission
Key in BOT Prevention text
shown in the image at left
The Chinese American Scholars and Professionals Association of Florida,
Orlando, FL 32816