滿文 論語 學而篇



Manchurian Script (manju hergen) of Confucius (551-479 BC) remarks with original Han Script (hanwen)

The Analects, Xue-Er Chapter

Confucius said: “A young man should serve his parents at home and be respectful to the elders outside his home. He should be earnest and truthful, loving towards all, and cultivating of his friendship with moral people. After all this, if there is time, he can study literature and art.”

22 inches x 59.1 inches



滿文公元1599年,清太祖高皇帝努爾哈赤(1559-1626 AD)詔命依蒙古文字創製滿文,約30年後,清太宗皇太極(1592-1643 AD)命達海(1595-1632 AD)進一步改進完善滿文。清朝(1644-1911 AD)前期,政府官文書以滿文為主,康熙(1661-1722 AD)、雍正(1678-1735 AD)起,官文書開始滿漢合璧。

The Manchurian Script (manju hergen) was derived from the Mongolian script. Nurhaci (1559-1626 AD) ordered the creation of the Manchurian script in 1599. His son, Hong Taiji (1592-1643 AD), ordered Dahai (1595-1632 AD) to further develop and enrich it. In the beginning of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911 AD), the official writing system was only Manchurian script. Since the dominions of the Kangxi Emperor (1661-1722 AD) and the Yongzheng Emperor (1678-1735 AD), all official documents gradually started to use Manchurian and Han scripts in tandem.


The Analects is a collection of aphorisms from Confucius, his disciples and his disciples’ disciples. It is the most important book in Confucianism.

孔子(551-479 BC),名丘,字仲尼。春秋末期魯國教育家與哲學家,曾任魯大司寇。刪詩書、訂禮樂、贊周易、著春秋,是儒學和儒家創始人。學不厭、教不倦,使孔子成為「至聖先師」。他主張有教無類,將前此貴族所獨有之禮樂教育普及於平民,學生多至三千人。西漢武帝時,董仲舒(179-104 BC)進言罷黜百家獨尊儒術,奠定了儒家兩千年來的正統學派地位,孔子並被尊為萬世師表。

Confucius (551-479 BC) was born into a rather impoverished family of noble descent in Lu State (within modern Shantung Province). His Chinese name was KONG Chiu, with a courtesy name Zhong-ni. After resigning from his post as minister of Lu State, he travelled to many parts of China. He was, and still is, regarded as the most famous Chinese philosopher and educator. His policy was to accept any person as a disciple, provided that the student was genuinely eager to learn. This idea was revolutionary in a society in which education was the exclusive privilege of the aristocracy. He is credited with educating 3,000 students. He is also one of the first Chinese philosophers to leave behind a collection of teachings that can be reliably ascribed to his philosophy - The Analects. Confucius authored or edited the following works: Classics of Poetry, Book of Documents, Book of Rites, I Ching, and the Spring and Autumn Annals. During the reign of Emperor Wu of the West Han Dynasty (141-87 BC), the Confucian scholar and Imperial courtier DONG Zhong-Su (179-104 BC) recommended and adopted the policy to “reject other schools of thoughts, [and] respect only Confucianism.” Since then, Confucius was highly regarded as the Model for All Ages. 



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