魏碑 劉眘虛 五言律詩(闕題)






Wei Stele Script (weibei)

Poem without Title

LIU Sheng-Xu (714-? AD)

On a road stretching towards the white clouds,

the spring air permeates along the blue stream.

Petals come drifting with the wind, 

the brook carrying their fragrance all the way.

My quiet gate faces a mountain trail, 

and among the willow trees lodges my study. 

Sunlight sifts through the dense foliage, 

my garments reflect the clear and soft light.

65.6 inches x 28.6 inches





The Wei Stele Inscription (weibei) refers to the calligraphic works on stele inscriptions of the Northern Dynasty (439-581 AD) in the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties (420-589 AD). The style is characterized by elegant, natural, and poised strokes, emitting a sense of sturdiness and simplicity.


劉眘虛(714-? AD):自幼聰穎,八歲作文上書,受到皇帝賞識,拜為童子郎。但日後仕途失意,壯年辭官南歸,遊歷各地。晚年定居洪州(今江西省靖安縣),築「深柳讀書堂」,著書自娛。為山水田園派詩人。

LIU Sheng-Xu (714-? AD) was noted for his cleverness since childhood. At the age of eight, he wrote a letter to the emperor who appreciated his talents so much he was thus appointed Tongzilang (child scholar). His career in officialdom, however, did not fare well during adulthood. Frustrated, he resigned and traveled to the south, settling in Hongzhou (now Jingan County, Jiangxi Province). In his later years, LIU established the Willow Study Hall, amusing himself by collecting books. He has been classified as a landscape-pastoral poet.







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