隸書 常建 宿王昌齡隱居



Clerical Script (lishu) poem

Staying Overnight at WANG Changling’s Retreat

CHANG Jian (708-765 AD)

Here, beside the clear fathomless lake,

you live accompanied by a lone cloud; 

Clear through the pine the moon arrives

to be your own pure-hearted friend. 

Resting beneath a thatched pavilion among the flowers’ shadow, 

the dewy peonies flourish in their bed of moss. 

Let me leave the world. Let me alight 

on the western mountain with phoenixes and cranes.


65.7 inches x 28.7 inches



隸書:源於秦朝(221-206 BC),在東漢(25-220 AD)時期達到頂峰,故有「漢隸唐楷」之稱。秦始皇(260-210 BC)在書同文的過程中,命李斯(280-208 BC)創立小篆後,也採納了程邈(生卒年不詳)整理的隸書。小篆書寫速度較慢,而隸書化圓轉為方折,提高了書寫效率。

呂世宜(1784-1855 AD)隸書:http://www.npm.gov.tw/exh96/donation9604/ch02.html

Although originating from the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC), the Clerical Script reached its climax in the following Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD). In conjunction with the Small Seal Script by LI Si (280-208 BC), Qin Shi Huang (260-210 BC) also accepted the Clerical Script, compiled by CHENG Miao (birth and death unknown). The highly rectilinear structure of the Clerical Script makes it easier and faster to write than the Small Seal Script.

Clerical Script by LU Shiyi (1784-1855 AD): http://www.npm.gov.tw/exh96/donation9604/en02.html


常建(708-765 AD),唐玄宗開元十五年(727 AD)與王昌齡(698-756 AD)同登進士榜。詩多五言,常以山林、寺觀為題材,也有部分邊塞詩。詩語清新自然,意境清幽澄澈。作品中流露出淡泊名利的隱士情懷。

CHANG Jian (708-765 AD) passed the highest and most prestigious level of the imperial examination together with WANG Changling (698-756 AD) in 727 AD. Most of his poems are written in the 5-character-per-line style on the themes of forest and temples, while others depict hardships of life on the frontier. His style is fresh and natural, with a hint of tranquility and clarity. There is a mood of out-of-the-world reclusiveness imbued in his works.


王昌齡(698-756 AD)善寫場面雄闊的邊塞詩,多抒寫戰士憂國立功及邊城艱困環境與思鄉之情懷。其詩氣勢雄渾格調高昂尤其是將七絕推向高峰有「七絕聖手」的美譽。

WANG Changling (698-756 AD) is best known for his poems describing the wide expanses, hardships, heroic deeds, and military confrontations in the frontier regions of northwestern China. His poems contain a powerful, lofty, and ebullient sweep. Elevating the 7-character-per-line genre of Chinese poetry to its peak, he was regarded as the “Master of 7-character-per-line poems.”




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