簡牘文字 杜甫 望嶽






Bamboo Slip Script (jiandu)

Staring at Mt. Tai

DU Fu (712-770 AD)

What shall I say of the Great Tai?

Its lush green covers the states of Chi and Lu, 

inspired and stirred by the breath of creation, 

with ying and yang balancing day and night.

Deepening my breath toward opening clouds, 

my eyes straining to see the home-coming birds.

One day I shall reach the top

to belittle all mountains by a single glance.

26 inches x 67.3 inches





The Bamboo Slip Script was known to be carved or inscribed on long, narrow strips of bamboo before the invention of paper. Yet the texts on all of the excavated bamboo strips are discovered to be written by brush in black ink. None of them were written with paint or carved by knife.

Please refer to the Bamboo Slip Script of the Han Dynasty: http://ndweb.iis.sinica.edu.tw/woodslip_public/System/Main.htm (Chinese only)


杜甫(712-770 AD),河南鞏縣人,作品對中國影響極深,傳詩約一千五百首。後人尊稱杜甫為「詩聖」,他的詩多描寫平民生活及戰亂流離,也被稱為「詩史」,是中國史上有名的社會詩人。

DU Fu (712-770 AD) was born in Gong County, Henan Province. His works hold enormous influence on Chinese literature; among which, approximately fifteen hundred poems have been preserved. His poetry reflects the conditions of his era, namely the suffering of the people from battles, drought, starvation, and displacement. DU was honored by later generations as the “Poet-Historian” and the “Poet-Sage.”



泰山啊,你究竟有多宏偉壯麗? 挺拔蒼翠緜延齊魯兩地。

造物者給了你瑰麗和神奇, 你高峻的山峰,把南北分成晨夕。

望層層雲氣升騰,令人胸懷盪滌, 看歸鳥迴旋入山,使人眼眶欲裂。

有朝一日,我總要登上你的絕頂, 把周圍矮小的羣山一覽無遺!

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