小篆 陸游 訴衷情






87.8 inches x 27.4 inches


Small Seal Script (xiaozhuan)

Su Zhong Qing: Expressing My Innermost Feelings

LU You (1125-1210 AD)

In years gone by – ten thousand miles,

I traveled, to seek my Honor;

Alone on horseback, O Liangzhou, I was there to guard you.

Of border passes, rivers – where has my broken dream gone?

Outworn my sable coat of cavalier.

The Tartars are still there, as before –

hoar are the hairs at my temples;

in vain do my tears pour.

To foretell such a life, who could dare?

My heart is at the Tian Shan frontier,

my ageing body, at Cangzhou, here!


小篆:秦始皇(260-210 BC)統一六國後,厲行書同文,由宰相李斯(280-208 BC)主政,為中國首次有系統地將文字標準化。因為是以秦國(770-206 BC)使用的書體為基礎,因此小篆又被稱為「秦篆」。小篆的筆劃較細,在字形上呈長方形,結構左右對稱,給人挺拔秀麗的感覺。

The Small Seal Script: Following the unification of China and the establishment of the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC), Qin Shi Huang (260-210 BC) decreed to unify the system of writing. Prime Minister LI Si (280-208 BC) thus implemented the Small Seal Script to be the official script used throughout the whole Empire. The Small Seal Script was also known as “Qinzhuan,” because it was modeled after the Large Seal Script from the earlier Kingdom of Qin (770-206 BC). Compared to the Large Seal Script, the Small Seal Script is easier to write and appears more symmetrical, with long, even strokes in an oblong shape.


陸游(1125-1210 AD),字務觀,號放翁,越州山陰(今浙江紹興)人。後人每以陸游為南宋詩人之冠。游詩中多展現強烈的愛國情感,是他最大的特色與傳頌千古的原因。現留詩作約一萬一千首,為現留詩作最多的詩人。

LU You (1125–1210) was a prominent poet of the Southern Song Dynasty. At the age of two, LU’s family followed the Court after the collapse of the Northern Song , moving to Shanyin (now Shaoxing of Zhejiang Province). A prolific writer in his lifetime, LU You composed roughly eleven thousand poems in both the shi () and ci () forms. His works have been noted for their strong sense of patriotism, which is the major reason they have been valued for centuries.







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