甲骨文 對聯




Oracle Bone Script (jiaguwen)

Savoring glorious scenery with mellow wine.

Crowding intricate garden with erudite guests.



甲骨文,又稱契文,主要為商朝(1765-1122 BC)晚期王室用於占卜記事而在龜甲或獸骨上契刻的文字,為目前已知已成體系最早的中國文字,上承原始符號,下啟青銅銘文。現代的漢字即由甲骨文演變而來。

末金石學家王懿榮(1845-1900 AD)光緒二十五年(1899)河南安陽小屯村出土的盤庚遷殷至帝辛亡國之273年之古物中發現了甲骨文。目前學者已自發掘的16萬多片甲骨中,解出5千個不同的字,其中可確定辨認的有1,600多字




Most of the existing Oracle Bone Script have been excavated from Anyang City, Henan Province, the seventh and last capital of the Shang Dynasty (1765-1122 BC). Only in 1899 did the Garrison Commander WANG Yi-Zon (1845-1900 AD) of the Qing Dynasty Capital Peking begin to notice that the inscriptions on the so-called “Dragon Bones” from Xiaotun Village outside of Anyang were actually meaningful script. The Oracle Bone Script found to the present date was used from about 1300 BC. It consists of short texts inscribed on ox scapulae and turtle plastrons, which were used for divination. Some 160,000 fragments with inscriptions of the Oracle Bone Script have been preserved. The inscriptions contain approximately 5,000 individual characters; 1,600 of which have been successfully deciphered by scholars. The Academia Sinica of the Republic of China (Taiwan) has the largest and most well-managed collection of oracle bones in the world, and since 2004, has undertaken the digitalization of its 45,000 bone fragments.

For more information, please visit: http://rub.ihp.sinica.edu.tw/ (website in Chinese version only) or http://rub.ihp.sinica.edu.tw/~oracle/home.htm


15.2 inches x 57 inches (each)

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